Darken Image Online

Use this free online tool to darken images with ease. Choose from a range of darkening methods including linear, exponential, gradient, and vignette to achieve the desired effect on your photos without any complex processes.

Select a darkening method below to get started

How to Use the Image Darkening Tool:

  1. Click the "Upload an Image" button and select the image you wish to modify.
  2. Choose your desired darkening method from the dropdown menu.
  3. Adjust the darkening effect to your liking using the slider.
  4. Preview the changes in real-time on the canvas.
  5. When satisfied, click the "Download Darkened Image" button to save your work.

Explore Different Darkening Techniques:

1. Linear Darkening

This method reduces the luminance of each pixel by the same amount, resulting in a uniformly darker image. It's a straightforward approach that works well for most photos.

2. Exponential Darkening

Our tool uses a sophisticated algorithm to progressively darken pixels based on their original brightness. This method is excellent for images with varied tones and helps maintain detail in lighter areas while deepening shadows.

3. Gradient Darkening

By creating a linear or radial gradient of darkness, you can mimic natural light fall-off or artistic vignettes. Adjust the gradient orientation to match the natural lighting of your scene or to create dramatic effects.

4. Vignetting

Add a classic vignette to your images with our custom tool. This method darkens the edges of your photo, subtly focusing the viewer's attention on the subject at the center.